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Professional / Internships


I am currently working as a product manager @StabilityAI where I work with an amazing team to bring generative AI products to our customers. Here, I will outline a few of the public-facing projects that I am most proud of.

Stable Animation

Acting as a product manager for @StableAnimation has been an incredibly rewarding experience. I was able to work with the researchers and engineers to take this from a research project, all the way through to a product that thousands of users are enjoying on a daily basis.


Working on @DreamStudio has been a lot of fun. I've been responsible for improving the user experience, as well as enhancing the UI/UX of the platform.

API Platform Reboot

Our users rely heavily on the Stability AI Developer Platform to call our APIs. I have been responsible for improving the user experience on this platform, managing a full reboot.


Tehcnical Product Manager Intern

I spent the summer working as an intern at Tecent on game Wild Rift. The Champion Highlight I was involved feature will record users' amazing moments in a battle. Computer Vision plus game log empoweres this feature which boosts sharing of game videos.


Platform Product Manager Intern

Interning at ByteDance ignited my passion for product management. The first time I applied the algorithms I learned in university to create products, I realized how they could truly benefit people. From developing the first product prototype to refining subsequent versions, each step was incredibly rewarding. Witnessing more users engaging with our product for longer durations filled me with a profound sense of achievement.